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IGB Core
Information on the IGB core
IGB Core Training
This book will contain Training materials for each instrument
BookitLab Guide
User Guides for basic uses of BookitLab
These are Workshops hosted by the IGB Core
Miscellaneous Software
Guides for various pieces of software
LSM 710
Basic Optics
Initial Training for Optical Microscope Users
600MHz NMR
NMR Training
Lsm 700 Info
Molecular resolution in 2D and 3D
Reserve Instrument Time
Initiate Usage (Cryostat/Microtome/NMR)
Purchase a Consumable
Logging in to your reservation
Accessing the Core-Server
Fiji Workshop
December 11th 2024
Properties of light Wave particle duality: Light is a wave Absorption and Emission Beer's law Refraction Ray tracing Resolution Resolution: The ability to separate two objects A definition of Numerical Aperture Fourier transform: Tr...
Data Storage
Store data on the data drive on the local machine: D\Data may be deleted at anytime. Do not leave your data here! The core staff will clean the computer drives occasionally. This means that your profile, desktop and data from the data drive wil...
IGB Core Instruments Axiovert 200M
Axiovert 200M Cameras cMOS
How does digital sampling affect resolution Look at imaging these object with a digital camera How close together do pixels need to be? Sampling over time: How often do you need to image a moving sample Nyquist theory states that you should sample ...
LSM 710 Basic Operation
Turning On the System Make sure the main power switch, systems switch and components switch are all on. The key should be turned on, please do not touch the key. Turn on the X-Cite lamp next to the microscope. Turn on the Argon ion laser. Turn the key to t...
NMR Theory
Agilent Hardware
Basic Operation
600 MHz NMR “In the absence of a magnetic field the period of all these oscillations is the same. But as soon as the electron is exposed to the effect of a magnetic field, its motion changes.” – Zeeman, P. FIRST PROCEDURES Content:1. Sample preparation2. Lo...
LSM 700 Basic Operation
Startup Turn on the laser lamp Login into the computer Start [ZEN] software - Start System Visual Operation Loading a slide (#1.5 cover slides are the best) Set the objective to 10x using the touch pad on the microscope (recommended to alw...
IGB Core Instruments Zeiss LSM 710
Light Path Seven visible excitation lines: 405nm, 458nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm, 594nm, 633nm. Tisaphire laser 700nm to 980nm Spectral Unmixing
Fluorescence Imaging
Why Fluorescence: We can label what we want to see Excitation and Emission Dapi Widefield vs Confocal
IGB Core Instruments LSM 700
LSM 700
IGB Core Instrument LSM 880
IGB Core Instrument V16
Nanozoomer Basic Operation
Warning Before beginning, have one of the core staff (listed here) look at the slides to confirm that there are no protruding coverslip edges. The Nanozoomer is very particular about slide size, any non-standard slides or protruding coverslips will cause it ...
Working in the IGB Core
Expect to walk into a room with a fully functional instrument Let a core staff person know if you see a problem Clean up when you leave Acknowledge the IGB Core as: “Core Facilities at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology" Let us know ...
Types of Labelling for Microscopy
The types of labelling used depends on the type of microscope or imaging technique. 1. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Serial Block Face-SEM, etc. requires using heavy metals such as Osmium to label tissues. 2. Lig...