Running Otto's Minflux Script
Things to install before starting
Install Spyder
Install miniconda (this is to install any libraries that might be missing from Spyder).
Make sure Imspector is installed, I used version 16.3.15620-m2205.
A copy of "plot width and thickness of"
Running and resolving errors
When this code is run in Spyder, you might get this error.
This just means we need to install matplotlib in our python environment. This is why we installed miniconda.
Search for and open the Anaconda command prompt
create a new environment: conda create --name <my-env>
Type "y" when prompted
Activate the new environment: activate <my-env>
Install matplotlib in this environment: conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
Type "y" when prompted
Since we change environments we might need to install the spyder kernel in this new environment: conda install spyder-kernels=3.0
Type "y" when prompted