Date-time | Record | Solar Flux Density | Solar Flux Total | Rain total | Mean Horizontal Wind Speed | Unit Vector Mean Wind Direction | Standard Deviation of Wind Direction | Max Wind Speed | Total Invalid Wind Speed Records | Mean Air Temp | Max Air Temp | Min Air Temp | Vapor Pressure | Barometric Pressure | Barometric Pressure Max | Barometric Pressure Min | Relative Humidity | Temperature of Relative Humidity Sensor | Sensor Tilt N-S | Sensor Tilt E-W | Lightning Strikes | Closest Lightning Strike | RHT_C_Avg (Dec C) | TiltNS_deg_Avg (degrees) | TiltWe_deg_Avg (degrees) | Strike Total | Dist_km_Min (kilometers) | Dist_km_Tmn (kilometers) |
"2025-01-14 22:00:00" | 25338 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.508 | 111.4 | 23.92 | 3.1 | "2025-01-14 22:00:00" | 0 | -14.52 | -14.3 | "2025-01-14 21:27:00" | -14.8 | "2025-01-14 21:32:00" | 1.7 | 1031.651 | 1031.651 | "2025-01-14 21:56:00" | 1031.151 | "2025-01-14 21:01:00" | 87 | -15.14 | 0.337 | -0.077 | 0 | 0 | "2025-01-14 21:01:00" |
NOTE: Daylight saving time is not represented by the clock used for this data.